Get Certified to Dive Nitrox!
The PADI Enriched Air Diver course is PADI's most popular specialty course for a reason! The convenience and safety associated with diving Nitrox makes diving with Enriched Air very appealing.
The most popular specialty course to sign up for here at Fulidhoo Dive & Water Sports is the PADI Enriched Air Diver Specialty. It’s not hard to understand why. Firstly, we are one of very few dive centres in the Maldives’ local islands that not only offer Enriched Air to divers – not only that, but we offer it at no extra cost. Why charge for added peace of mind?
Secondly, the Maldives is the perfect location to dive with Enriched Air as we have some fantastic dive sites which are best dived to 30m. Miyaru Kandu – a famous dive site near Fulidhoo – is a wonderful example. At this dive site, we descend to a ledge at 30m and simply enjoy a wonderful show of grey reef sharks and white tip sharks passing by at close range. Often, when we dive air, the only thing that makes us ascend is our lack of no decompression time (remember deco diving is forbidden in the Maldives). But if we dive this site with Nitrox, we get quite a while longer with the sharks.

So getting Enriched Air certified is all about changing the profile of your dive to benefit you – all while knowing that you are breathing less nitrogen. During the course, your learning will include how to set your dive computer when diving Nitrox, how to manage oxygen exposure and how to use an analyser to measure the level of oxygen in your tank.
If you’re doing repetitive dives over several days, we’d highly recommend that you think about getting your certification while you’re here. And if you’re travelling with a buddy, we recommend discussing the certification with them too – because it will be of more benefit to you if you are both certified and diving the same blend, so that you can be buddies under water.
Good to Know
Medical Questionnaire
Minimum Age
Teaching Language
Theory & Exam
Other Things to Consider
If you want to enroll in the Enriched Air Diver speciality, we recommend you do it at the beginning of your stay – to make the most of diving with Nitrox while you are here. The PADI e-learning materials for this course are available in a wide range of languages, so if you’d like to sign up before your arrival, email us on for more details of how you can do this. If you do not want to do this, it’s also fine as the book is very slim and can be read in one evening.
Lastly, it’s worth noting that the blend of Enriched Air we offer is 32%, our compressors are Renner and Bauer and Fulidhoo Dive & Water Sports has been certified as a Bauer Gold Certified Pure Air Station.